Code Of Conduct

Deer Ridge Code of Conduct

 Policy Statement
The intention of this Code of Conduct and Process for Discipline (“Code of Conduct”) is to establish clear and acceptable behavior expectations for Deer Ridge Golf Club Members, guests, employees, and visitors. It is not intended to restrict the rights of anyone but rather to ensure that all Members, guests, employees, and visitors can expect to be treated with respect while playing at, working at, or visiting Deer Ridge Golf Club. The Code of Conduct augments the Club Rules in that it addresses acceptable/unacceptable behaviour in more detail and outlines the process for addressing complaints.
Membership In Good Standing
Only Members and guests in good standing are entitled to use the clubhouse, golf course, or grounds. A Member only has the right to enjoy the privileges of the Club and of membership for such period that the Member is a member in good standing of the Club. Upon admission to the Club, all Members are bound by the By-laws and Rules of the Club, including the Code of Conduct. Members are also required to ensure that their guests abide by the Club’s By-Laws, Rules and the Code of Conduct.  Members who are found to be in default of the Club’s By-Laws. Rules or Code of Conduct may be subject to a suspension of membership privileges or other disciplinary measures as determined in accordance with the Code of Conduct and By-Laws.
Accounts Receivable All Members are required to keep a valid credit card on their account. Members with outstanding charges of over 45 days will have playing privileges suspended indefinitely until the account is brought back up to date. All overdue accounts (outstanding for more than 30 days) will be charged interest of 1% per month on the entire balance.
Code of Conduct – Expectations of Behaviour
All Members, guests, employees, and visitors are expected to:
  • Maintain financial commitments on a current basis
  • Reflect proper etiquette on and off the course and in and around the club house
  • Show the utmost respect, courtesy and dignity to fellow Members, employees, and visitors
  • Avoid any actions, words or gestures of humiliation, intimidation, threats, coercion, aggressive or physical behaviour, including without limitation, Violence of Any Kind
  • Reinforce the role responsibility of the Director of Operations and/or applicable management staff for instructing the employees in the performance of their duties
  • Avoid any misrepresentation as to one’s position and/or authority e.g., by chastising or disciplining other Members, guests, employees or visitors
  • Comply with all legislation including that related to workplace safety, alcohol consumption, and the use of illegal drugs
  • Demonstrate adherence to all Club Rules including but not limited to:
    • Sign in procedures in the Pro Shop
    • Obeying guidelines concerning the areas on which carts are not allowed
    • Seeking staff approval for starting on hole number 10
    • Seeking staff approval for a fivesome
    • Adhering to the Club’s Dress Code
    • Taking pride in the physical appearance of the Club
    • Co-operating fully with staff requests or directions
The Club takes Member privacy very seriously - any unauthorized use of the Membership roster or Member email lists for personal benefit is strictly prohibited.
Process for Code of Conduct Discipline 
The Club does not tolerate Harassment or Violence of Any Kind. Any Member, guest, employee or visitor found to have engaged in Harassment, Violence of Any Kind, or other unacceptable behaviour will be subject to disciplinary action as set out herein and pursuant to the Club’s By-Laws.
Deer Ridge Golf Club is committed to promoting a safe, healthy, respectful, and positive environment for all members, guests, and staff. To this end, the goal of this policy is to define Behaviour that may negatively impact the experience of others or creates unsafe conditions, and how these Behaviours will be addressed when it occurs within the Deer Ridge property.  The Board of Directors (the “Board”), the Management of the Club, and, where applicable, any committees appointed by the Board will deal with all matters pertaining to the conduct of the Members, guests, employees, and visitors.
Section 9.05 of the Club’s By-Laws provides the overall direction and parameters for Member discipline. The Process for Code of Conduct Discipline augments these parameters by focusing on the levels of discipline and violations and providing a process for addressing the discipline phase that is meant to assist the Board in not only procedure but with consistency.
The Club will follow the process set out below in relation to any complaints related to the violation of Code of Conduct (except those related to financial matters) whenever practical.
Step 1 – Complainant submits a complaint that details the alleged incident. The complaint is to be submitted to the Director of Golf & Operations. If the Director of Golf & Operations is the subject of the complaint, the complaint is to be submitted to the President of Board of Directors.   
Step 2 – The Club, under the direction of the Director of Golf Operation, will undertake an investigation of the complaint. The investigation will be undertaken by the Director of Golf Operations or, where applicable, by an investigator appointed by the Board. The investigation may include, but is not limited to, the following:
  • Interview with the complainant, respondent(s) and any witnesses
  • Review of any other information deemed pertinent to the investigation (e.g., financial reports, video surveillance footage, etc.)
  • Any further reasonable actions the investigator may deem necessary
Step 3 – An Investigation Report will be completed by the investigator and submitted to the Board. This Investigation Report will include, but not be limited to, the following:
  • List of allegations being investigated
  • Investigator’s findings for each allegation
  • Investigator’s assessment and recommendation regarding the applicable level of discipline and any recommendations regarding potential corrective action
  • Any other observations that the investigator may feel is pertinent
  • Witness statements or interview notes
Step 4 –The Board may direct further investigative steps. The Board may also request that any of the parties to the investigation (complainant and respondent) attend a meeting with the Board to discuss the incident prior to making its final decision. Where appropriate, this meeting may involve both the parties together before the Board.
Step 5 – Once the Board has made a determination on the outcome of the investigation, the Board (or the Director of Golf Operations at the direction of the Board) will review a summary of the Investigation Report including only the allegations and the findings with parties to the investigation (complainant and respondent). The complainant will be advised whether there has been discipline/corrective action taken in relation to the complaint but the particulars of such discipline/corrective action will only be shared with the respondent.
Step 6 – The Board will provide notice to the respondent of any disciplinary action to be taken in accordance with Section 9.05(a) of the By-Laws. The respondent will then have the option to request an appeal hearing before the Board as outlined in and pursuant to Section 9.05(b) of the Club’s By-Laws. Once the Board has heard the Member’s submissions, the Board will consider whether there should be any changes to the proposed disciplinary action. The Board will then communicate its decision to the respondent and this decision will be final. 
Notwithstanding the above, the Board may impose upon a respondent an interim administrative suspension of Membership privileges pending completion of the investigation where the Board determines that the circumstances warrant such action. This action will only be taken in instances involving serious allegations (usually Level 3 violations as listed below) or where the Board otherwise determines it is in the best interests of the Club to do so. The Board will not impose such action until it has convened a meeting to review the complaint and the Director of Golf’s preliminary review/assessment of the same. Where necessary, the Board will convene a special meeting to conduct this review.  
The Board will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the investigation is carried out and concluded in a thorough and timely fashion.
All Members are expected to participate and cooperate in the investigation process. If a party to the investigation fails to cooperate with the investigation, the Board may conclude the investigation without that party’s input.
All investigations carried out under this policy are confidential. The parties to an investigation and any Members or staff who are interviewed as witnesses or otherwise involved in an investigation are required to maintain the details of the investigation and any particulars of the investigation in confidence and are not to disclose such details/particulars to any other Members or staff, except as may be expressly authorized/directed by the Board. Any violations of this confidentiality requirement may result in separate disciplinary action by the Board.
Reprisals made in response to any complaint or investigation under this policy are prohibited. Any Member or staff who is found to have engaged in a reprisal against a member, staff or any other person in response to a complaint made under this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
Likewise, any Member or staff who is found to have submitted an intentionally false or baseless complaint will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. 
At the conclusion of each golf season, the Board will provide a report to the Membership outlining Member discipline matters addressed by the Board during the season. The report will be anonymous and will not mention Members by name or Membership number. The report will provide a brief summary of any complaints/investigations, the results of the same and the corrective action taken in relation to the same.      
When considering any complaint and appropriate disciplinary action to be undertaken, the Board will assess each incident in accordance with the following levels of misconduct/discipline:    
Level 1 – Verbal Warning / Letter of Reprimand / In Person Meeting
  • This level will be implemented by the Director of Operations with approval from the board.
  • Example of Code violation – Minor verbal abuse of member or staff, 1st time offense. *This may be a brief outburst regarding service or incident on the golf course.  Minor damage of Deer Ridge property by lack of knowledge or poor judgement.
Level 2 – Short Term Suspension/ Mid Length Suspension. (One week to two months)
  • This level will be implemented by the board.
  • Example of Code violation – Physical or continuous verbal abuse of a member or staff.  Damage to Deer Ridge property or actions that damage the reputation of the Club.  Second offence of Level 1 violation.  Violation of the Provincial Law.
Level 3 – Long Term Suspension (Longer than two months)/ Revocation
  • This level will be implemented by the board and if the offense elevates to a level that revocation is a consideration a separate arbitration committee may be established.
  • Example of Code violation – Sexual abuse, extreme physical or verbal abuse of member or staff.  Violation of Provincial Law.
Harassment: engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or reasonably ought to be known to be unwelcome (Ontario Human Rights Code).
Vandalism: The deliberate destruction, damage or defacing of buildings, structures and equipment(carts) at Deer Ridge.
Violence: The exercise of physical force, or attempt to exercise physical force, by a
person, against another, that causes or could cause physical injury; Examples include:
verbal threats; threatening notes or emails; shaking a fist in an individual’s face,
wielding a weapon, hitting or trying to hit someone, throwing an object at someone, or
sexual violence.
Behaviours: Behaviours that obstruct or hinder the ability of others to use and enjoy the facilities and course or compromise the safety and health of others, including staff, are unacceptable and prohibited.
Violence of any kind including:  Aggressive or intimidating verbal assaults; Threats and/or attempts to intimidate; Deliberate throwing of articles in an aggressive or disruptive
manner; Actual or attempted physical assaults of another person; Sexual violence; Attempts to goad or incite violence in others; Any criminal behaviour.
Safety at Deer Ridge
The Board takes the safety of the employees and members very seriously.  As it pertains to employees, we follow the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
The creation and enforcement of the Code of Conduct is to help provide for and ensure the safety of Members, staff, guests and visitors of the Club. Every person is responsible for the safety of others by following the Code of Conduct and acting with respect of others. When someone’s behavior is in violation of the Code of Conduct, the Board will act to address those infractions and impose the appropriate penalty.

The intention of this document is to establish clear and acceptable behavior expectations for Deer Ridge Golf Club Members, guests, employees, and Affiliated Individuals. It is not intended to restrict the rights of anyone but rather to ensure that all Members, guests, employees, and Affiliated Individuals can expect to be treated with respect while playing or working at Deer Ridge Golf Club. The Code of Conduct differs from Club rules in that it addresses acceptable/unacceptable behavior.
Only Members and guests in good standing are entitled to use the clubhouse, golf course, or grounds. The rights of any Member to the privileges of the Club shall coexist with the period of his or her membership. The Club deems that all Members, upon admission to the Club, have given their consent to be bound by the by-laws and rules of the Club, both to the restrictions and the penalties imposed.